
Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Love story / I'm waiting for a warm weather!


 Простите за отстутствие. Хоть и поздновато,но я всё равно поздравляю всех влюблённых))

 Так как я очень хотела сделать пост к St.Valentines day, то поведаю о love story, которая меня покорила! Американский блоггер Rachel-Marie, наверняка знакомая вам по сайту, рассказала в интервью о знакомстве со своим женихом(англичанином). Боже,как это мило! Сами прочитайте)

 "We love romance! Can you tell us how you and your fiance met and what drew you two to each other?
    Gareth visited a lot for inspiration, and he really liked my photography. One day he added me on Facebook, and initiated various conversations about photography and fashion. We then began talking more frequently, for longer periods of time. We then skyped a little, which grew to skyping a lot. I had planned a trip to London with one of my friends, and Gareth and I decided we should meet in person. It was love at first sight! Our first kiss was in Topshop. Isn't that romantic? "
А погода в Москве сейчас не сахарная. Жду тепла.

P.S. Мои поздравления "The Blonde Salad!". Победа на Bloglovin awards в номинации "Newcomer of the year"!

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